The latest release of Rover ERP is now publicly available. To view all changes in this specific release, click the Release Notes button below.

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Web Client



  • Kanban View: The Kanban view offers a visual representation of sales opportunities, quotes, and orders using status columns and cards.
  • Drag and Drop: Users can move cards between columns using drag and drop in the Kanban view. This functionality enables the ability to modify the status for sales opportunities and quotes.
  • Sales Orders Signature Capture: Added ability to capture customer signatures for sales orders and view them in the sales order details screen.
    Sales Quotes Editable Parts: Added ability to edit parts for sales quotes.



  • Sales Quotes Quantity: Updated the quantity to display 4 decimal places.
  • Dollar Currency: Updated the currency to display the dollar sign in front of the number and commas for thousands.


  • Change History: Updated the customer module to update the change history when a customer is created or updated.

Bug Fixes:


  • Contacts Log: Fixed an issue where adding contacts log entries was not working properly.
  • Customer Address: Fixed issue where the address was not being displayed properly and not being saved properly.

Desktop Client



  • Add User Settings menu item to the main File menu
  • SSH Connection Support


  • Resolve exceptions when PDF files are used in the Images section of forms